Launching LifePoint in 4 Days!!!

Can you tell I’m excited??  It was in February that we first started meeting as a church.  We all had a vision and a dream for a church that was focused on reaching the community for Christ!  We sat in our Pastor’s living room and prayed about all the details, the people that needed Jesus, the money to start everything.  I am amazed as I look back and see it all coming together.  Lives have already been touched and changed by Jesus Christ!  We’ve seen one or multiple people accept Christ in each of our three preview services!  That is worth it all already.  We’ve cleaned out gutters, racked leaves, grass was cut, washed cars, put on a free concert.  I can’t wait for our upcoming outreach events…to feed some families for thanksgiving, helping to winterize some homes, free tailgate party at U of F and even more I’m forgetting!

Riverbend Jam 017


This is a busy week.  We are building a stage set, practicing with the band, making power points…etc.  I know many others are painting, prepping, passing out fliers and praying.  If you think about it will you please pray for our launch on Sunday?  We meet at 10am.  Pray for God to move in hearts and for lives to be changed.  If you are around Findlay and you want to come just message me and I’ll give you the details and location!  We’d love to have you there!

Here is our website:

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