Before and So Far

Exhausted, sluggish, bloated, uncomfortable and sick.  That was me in January.  I could add embarrassed and discouraged to the list as well.  I can say that God is faithfully doing a work in my heart and body that I am so thankful for.  I will say right off the bat that I could not be on the journey I am on…alone.  I have Jesus.  I have a great family.  I have a wonderful church family and a community of  ladies who keep me accountable.  I don’t remember how I heard about Trim Healthy Mama.  I know it was from a like-minded friend on Facebook.  Two homeschooling mamas did YEARS of research and wrote a book together about health, fitness, hormones and eating right.  I was intrigued!  You see, I’ve tried it ALL!!  I’ve been on so many diets that I can’t remember all their names!  I will name a few that you will be familiar with.

~Weight Watchers ~ Jennie Craig ~ Formula 3 ~ Atkins ~ Physicians Weight Loss Center

That’s the tip of the dieting iceberg!  I had some success with these different plans but, nothing that is like Trim Healthy Mama.  I was so tired of counting calories, fat, carbs…you name it!  No more counting is freeing!  For you men who are worried…they are revising the book and it will be called Trim Healthy You in the future!  🙂


Here I am at my heaviest…304.  Wow!  I know many of you wouldn’t tell your weight in a million years!  It’s apart of my story though and I pray it will encourage someone else!


I remember this day well!  I had taken the boys to Jungle Island in Miami Beach for the day.  It was so hot outside and I felt like dying!  I was soaked in sweat and I could hardly keep up with them to walk around.  I had to sit down frequently during the day.  I checked the schedule for shows that we could go sit and watch.  I wanted the boys to have fun yet, I was struggling just to make it through the park. Miami was a hard week for me.  Walking anywhere we needed to go in the heat made it hard to do much of anything for me. I felt like a party pooper!  I felt like we couldn’t enjoy ourselves that week because of me.

I don’t know what shifted in my mind but, I know it was all the Lord’s doing..His work.  In January I purchased the book.  Trim Healthy Mama was written by two sisters, Serene and Pearl.  They have a deep passion for health and had been studying and writing this book for over 5 years!  WOW!  I’ve learned things about my body that I’d have never known before reading the book.  I started implementing the plan in the book the second week of January.  No January 1st resolutions.  I’ve always failed at those!  I waited til the week after!

So, here I am 7 months later still plugging away.  It’s not a speedy weight loss plan.  It’s honestly a new way of eating.  No more junk!!!  No more garbage.  No more sugar highs and crashes.  I have gone from a size 26/28 to a size 18/20.  That has been so nice!!!  Trying on size 18’s again has been a lot of fun.  I have also lost 50 pounds!  I am at 253.6 today.

I’m not positive what my goal weight will be.  Maybe 150 but, my main focus in on being healthy.  I was telling my youngest son the other day that being skinny does not mean that you are healthy!  I know many thin folks who fill their bodies with junk.    My other goal is to be off of my blood pressure medication.  I think I’m getting close to that goal!

I know some of you are mortified at my current weight but, I feel so much better!!!  I can do so much more now than I could then!  I help Shan on our farm a lot more now than I did last summer!  I used to sit inside or find things to do while he and the boys would do laborious jobs in the barn or the yard.  Now, I try my best to help and to work along side of them.  I smile when I see my 6 year old and know that I’ve lost his weight in body fat plus a bag of potatoes!

I will continue to share about my journey with you!  This is just a before refection and to show you where I am now,  50 pounds into my journey!!   Here is a picture my mom took for me on Friday when I hit my first big goal!



Here’s a link to the Trim Healthy Mama website.  Here is a link to their Facebook Page!  If you buy the book, let me know!  I’d love to encourage and support you in any way I can!  “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”  Phil. 4:13

45 thoughts on “Before and So Far

  1. So very proud of you! You look amazing and I’m thrilled that you feel amazing and are sharing your journey! Keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you so much for being upfront and personal on your challenge, as this makes it real and full of encouragement for others. Congratulations on such a wonderful accomplishment.

  3. Love your story. Not mortified by your weight. I was skinny, borderline underweight all the way until my third child. I was embarrassed to be seen shopping in the kids size 16 area because size 0 was just a tad big for me. My mom grew up on the farm and would constantly tell me I was unhealthy…..because I was!! This third child, the weight finally stuck to me and I even gained 15 more pounds after pregnancy. None of it bothered me as much as the feeling of being tired, sluggish, losing memories with my kids, ect. So no more! I have no weight goal in mind only a flat stomach period and tons of energy to spend with my toddlers. Hopefully it will become a reality one day.

  4. Congratulations! You look great. I am 2 months into my THM weight loss journey / healthy lifestyle and already feel the benefits. 8lbs lost, 6 inches gone from my waist and I feel so much better and have more energy to run around with my girls. I hope you continue to reach your goals. 🙂

  5. Amazing! Thank you for your boldness to share. Congratulations on your success and Wishing you a continuously successful journey.

  6. Way to go!! I was at my heaviest, 275 lbs. about 5 years ago and have been losing by simply getting more exercise and watching my portions. But a friend gave me the THM book a few weeks ago and last week was my first to eat as much on plan as I could. I still have a lot to learn and went for the chocolate over the weekend. I am at 227 and hope to end up somewhere around 160!! 🙂 Praying that with God’s help, we can both keep on keepin’
    on! 🙂 You are doing great!!

  7. I started today and already am afraid that I did something wrong! But hearing your story makes me want to really do it this time!

  8. Thank you for sharing your wonderful healthy new beginning. I have been following THM for about two months and love it as well. Your weight is not mortifying, your story is inspiring and you look radiant and beautiful! I am going to write more about THM this week and would love to link back to your story if that is okay with you. Blessings to you, I am looking forward to following along and sharing in the journey.

  9. You look AH-MAZING! So inspiring. Your weight is not mortifying, it is encouraging to me that your are brave enough to share. I am SO embarrassed someone will find out how much I weigh, I am too terrified to share on my blog. Maybe when I loose 50 lbs I will! 🙂

  10. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. I am about 1/2″ into the book, and already feeling like I’m starting to understand the plan and implementing what I’ve learned so far. My peak weight was in the 290’s, and I’m currently at 262. I lost the ~30 pounds going gluten free/refined sugar free. It was effective, but miserable. I’ve been able to maintain the weight loss, and we eat a very low gluten diet, but cannot force myself to get back on the gf/sf lifestyle.

    I’m following your blog, now! 🙂

  11. I am so proud of you! You look fantastic, but more than that, I am so encouraged by your willingness to be open in order to help others! Love you! Keep it up, Jen!

  12. I am in the same “Ball Park” weight wise! I commend you for your honesty and for your triumphs. God is doing a work in us and I am thankful! Hope to be where you are soon! Keep up the great work and keep blogging!

  13. Pingback: Zucchini Cakes! (S) | Home With a Purpose

  14. Girl, you look GREAT!!!!!! 🙂 I just love this post – it’s so inspiring, raw, and real. Thank you for your testimony – it will bless so many women! Keep us posted in the link ups!
    Thanks for linking at Trim Healthy Tuesday!!!

  15. Thank you for being honest and real with this post. I really needed this today! I picked up the book in April and have skimmed some of it, but I have let being busy get in the way of actually readig it. Instead, I have been struggling and grumbling with my (lack of) weight loss while doing very little about my situation. I will pull this back out and read it through this time. You are an inspiration!

  16. Pingback: Weekly Menu Planning {Trim Healthy Tuesday} | Gwens Nest

  17. SO excited for you. and so glad I found their book too…. so glad they cared enough to write it! thank YOU for sharing you story… I’m trying to find the right words to share my own soon.

  18. You look great!! I was at 320# at my heaviest a few years ago. I lost 80# trying to eat healthy and gained back 30. I’ve lost 18# so far with THM and I know this is the eating plan that will get me healthy! Thank you for the inspiration. We weigh close to the same right now. I’m at 254.6 today. First time I’ve been in the 250’s in a few years! And into size 18’s also!! I’m looking forward to shrinking more and becoming more and more active and fit. Praise God for Pearl & Serene!! I look forward to watching your progress. Be blessed!

  19. You’ve encouraged me more than I can express. At the beginning of the year, we tried eating just vegetables, grains, fruits, beans, and nuts. It worked for awhile. I just couldn’t keep it up. I lost thirty but gained 20 back. 😦

    I’ve got the book, and I’ve started reading. I too have over a hundred to go.

    Thanks. I’m going to follow your blog.

    Harvest Lane Cottage

  20. You are adorable, and I love your blog here. It’s a peaceful, sweet place full of love. I’m so excited for you in your new adventure! While I didn’t have too many pounds to lose, I did have a major sugar addiction that left me feeling lousy almost every single day. Trim Healthy Mama broke that addiction and I’m free! (Lost my extra pounds too!) Praising God with you in your journey to good health. He is good!

  21. Pingback: 70 Pound Update~ Trim Healthy Mama | Home With a Purpose

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