German Chocolate Shake! (S)

There is an ice cream joint in a town near us that has the best ice cream in Ohio!!  In the past we’d go there often after dinner and I’d get the same ice cream each time, German Chocolate.  I don’t know why but, for as long as I can remember it was my favorite flavor.  I love the protein shakes that Trim Healthy Mama has brought into my life.  I really like Swanson’s Premium Brand Whey Protein powder.  I have loved making many different flavor combinations over the past year and thought I’d share one of my favorites!  After missing my favorite ice cream I came up with a shake that satisfies my craving for the old favorite!  I feel super satisfied and knowing it’s sugar free and healthy makes it so worth it!


German Chocolate Shake

  • 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (vanilla)
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1 scoop of Swanson’s Premium Protein Powder
  • 1 tbs. of cocoa powder
  • 1 tbs. of Truvia or xylitol
  • 1/2 tsp. of Gluccomanan or Xanthan Gum
  • 1/4 cup of 1% cottage cheese
  • swirl of heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 tsp of coconut extract (optional but, I love it!)
  • 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 1 tbs. of unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 1 tbs of coconut oil
  • 1 ounce of 85% chocolate (I use Aldi’s brand)
  • 12 ice cubes (my preference)

I honestly put the wet ingredients in the blender or my Ninja and dump in the dry ingredients.  I do cut up the chocolate into a few smaller pieces before adding it in.  I then blend for 30 seconds or so before I add in the ice! Add the ice and let it mix til it’s a shake like consistency.

This is a great way to get your protein and to start the day off with some healthy coconut oil!  I love the benefits it brings to my lifestyle!  I hope you’ll love this shake as much as I do!!!  I don’t feel deprived on my eating plan.  I honestly LOVE it or I’d not have been doing it for over a year now!  You can read about that on my One Year Trim-a-versary post! 🙂

Trim Healthy Mama is transforming me into a new mama and a much healthier one at that!  Please visit my wonderful friend, Gwen’s blog to get some great tips and recipes that will help you in your THM journey!

Pin: German Chocolate Shake!

31 thoughts on “German Chocolate Shake! (S)

  1. My son is fighting a fever and really needed to get some calories in him. I made him a full-fat non-THM version of this, then I made myself the THM version! Thanks.

  2. Will it matter if it’s the LouAna coconut oil, or do I need the raw to give it a coconut flavoring? Just wondering on this one. 🙂 it sounds yummy! I’m so thankful for all of you creative ppl. Ha

  3. How do you best get your coconut oil to incorporate into cold shakes/smoothies? I always have trouble and don’t love a huge chunk of it floating around… lol 🙂 Looks delicious, I’m going to have this for breakfast!

    • You could use MCT oil if you’s got a ton more benefits than even coconut oil and it’s liquid. I have some oil by Carrington Farm that is coconut oil but, also a liquid. I use it often in shakes and my Muffins in a mug, etc. You could always melt it for a second in the microwave. I’ve not had any big issues with it blending in. Hope you like it!

    • If you melt the coconut oil then add it slowly to the blender while it is running, it will do a better job of emulsifying!

  4. I love German Chocolate anything…so this is just perfect!! Thanks for the recipe. It’s definitely what’s going on the menu for snack today. 🙂

  5. Jennifer, if we leave out the heavy cream and use only a tsp of coconut oil, would this qualify as an “E” shake? I am still learning the basics of THM and trying to find more “E” foods that I like.

    • Hi Patty!

      You could take out the coconut oil and leave in the unsweetened coconut but, probably can’t do both. There are 3 grams of fat in 1 tbs of the unsweetened coconut flakes. The oil is more for the good qualities..not for taste. 🙂 I would probably cut the oil out and the cream. There’s a little fat in the 1% cottage cheese as well but, not much. I’d keep the unsweetened coconut flakes and coconut extract and skip the oil and cream. It most likely will be a FP drink then..not an E but, you could use it with an E meal then. I have a Going Bananas shake in my recipe section that is a great E shake! 🙂

      • Thank you so much for the clarification, Jennifer! It totally makes sense now! Love the ingredients in the Going Bananas shake, so I saved it for an E breakfast later this week. Thank you for all your work replying to these and the other questions on the THM “Beginners” website–they are so helpful!

  6. Hey Jennifer. Stumbled across this on pinterest and wanted to use this for my ketogenic diet. How much did this recipe yield and how much would you say is in a serving size? Can’t wait to make this…I used to make a drink similar to this when I was a barista, but I would add half coffee ice cubes and a shot of espresso. Sounds good, right? 🙂

    • This is one serving. I split it up if it’s a light snack. I’d say there is over 2 cups of yumminess when it’s all done! 🙂

  7. WOW, what can I say on this shake!! Y – U – M – M – Y!!!!!!!!! My husband tried mine Saturday and almost ripped my hand off trying to get more!! I told him he could have his own but not mine! LOL

    • Well, to make them Deep…you’d want no cream, no cottage cheese, no chocolate pieces and no coconut. I guess you could try it and it will just be a basic chocolate frappe’ with some coconut extract. It’s still tasty..I make it that way sometimes.

  8. Pingback: Menu Planning Monday- Menu 10 | Big Taste Trim Waist

  9. Pingback: Healthy and Heavenly: 14 Shake and Smoothie Recipes - You, Me, and Nemo

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